Monday, July 28

A weekend away...

I have much to update you on...The past couple of weeks have been incredible. It is such a privilege to be serving here. Right now I don't have time to write really, but here are a couple of pictures from my weekend away in Florida with the family. It was a sweet time...and so good to have everyone together in one place...these times are few and far between in this season of life. Beautiful.
Beach Bums.
I love the heck out of this boy. hero, duh.

Ok, so this is me and my boyfriend. I felt it necessary to take this picture in the midst of all the other couple shots. I was the 7th wheel all weekend :)


Austin replaced me on this trip...but I like her, so it's OK.

Some say we are twins. Still daddy's little girl.

Rockin' the shades. Get a tan Drew.

Really, really, really blessed.

I promise I will write soon. I have so much to write about it semi-overwhelms me. Maybe later on tonight or in the morning...Hope this day finds you well.

1 comment:

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Katie - I saw you had commented on Lisa Whittle's blog and wanted to come by. Now I know you really don't know me. I worked at HGBC a brief time before you all moved to Arkansas. I had such a great admiration for your mom and dad!! I wanted to know them so much better. Drew was such a special little guy to me and FLC crew too. Boy great memories!!

Like Lisa said, it sounds like the Lord has made an unmistakeable mark on your life. I am excited about that!! Pleae tell everyone hello. You all are truly blessed!!

Love, Leigh Gray