Friday, May 1

A Perfect, Lonely Night

"We become violent precisely because we expect more from each other than we can give. When we look for divine solutions in others, we make others into gods and ourselves into demons. Our hands no longer caress but instead grasp. Our lips no longer kiss or form kind words, but bite. Our eyes no longer look expectantly but suspiciously. Our ears do not hear so much as overhear. Every time we think that another person or group of people is finally going to come and take away our fear and anxiety, we will find ourselves frustated that instead of becoming gentle, we become violent.

Community comes from solitude greeting solitude, not lonliness greeting lonliness. Community is birthed from love offering love, not need smashing into need. Otherwise, before you know will find yourself coming not to hold in love but to grab in the intensity of neediness."
--> Henri Nouwen

I love this perfect, lonely night.

For the place do I discover the mysteries of You.
And I discover You, Yahweh...I find me.

Right I find me through the discovery of You...I learn to see souls, not just mere people.
And as I stay I look upon the souls of others...I am determined to pray more, and to speak less.

Here...Here as I pray...I cannot help but to fall in love with the people I intercede for.
I remain here...and as I am falling in love with Your people spirit is
stirred, and my heart is overwhelmed as I am being forever ruined for the mission of You.

Yes, I choose to stay here,I love it here.
I love this perfect, lonely night.

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